By leaving the old desktop a new one will not need to be created.since the old Desktop file will be used. However, you should be aware it will be out of date if much file creation/deletion has occurred since its last use. Does DTM really speed things up? It definitely does. On my IIci, quitting an application to the Desktop was pretty fast anyhow; Using DTM it is almost instantaneous. I have a couple files that contain many files (alas my system folder contained over 200!!). Opening that and other files is much quicker. Are there any "gotchas" to worry about? Well a couple. I should say that I left a lot of questions about how to install and use DTM on several Bulletin Boards. Most of the following comments are distilled from all the responses I got.
When DTM is first started, even if the desktop is rebuilt, there can be some problems in documents not being able to find their applications. Thus if you try to open a document by double-clicking it you may get a message stating that the Application cannot be found. A couple suggestions were to rebuild the desktop by pressing the Command Option keys while quitting from an application rather than by restarting with those keys held down. Another suggestion was to do this from the Finder, rather than from MultiFinder. The latter cited as desirable since otherwise there might not be
enough memory to rebuild the desktop. The person suggesting
this advised that he had increased the Finder's partition under
MultiFinder, but still did not have enough room to rebuild the